Cyberpunk 2077 next-gen patch includes gameplay changes and visual improvements
PS4 and Series X owners will receive the gameplay balances while next-gen players will get the whole graphics update.
You could hardly think of a game in recent years that had a rockier release than Cyberpunk 2077. The futuristic cyberpunk RPG launched in 2020 to wildly mixed critical reviews and a fervor of harsh criticisms from players. You all likely know the reasons why, but with Cyberpunk 2077’s upcoming next-gen patch, developer CD Projekt Red seeks to address some of the criticisms that have haunted it.
The game is coming to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S later this year alongside the 1.5 patch. CD Projekt Red is modifying the gameplay with new weapons, new apartments, and a rebalanced economy and skill tree. The patch also includes a number of visual enhancements, including ray tracing and 4K resolution support.
This information came courtesy of a CD Projekt Red livestream today, which detailed the improvements the 1.5 patch will introduce. CD Projekt Red also released extended next-gen gameplay trailers to show off the enhanced game in action.
See the 30-minute gameplay trailer showing the game running on the Xbox Series X below, courtesy of Cyberpunk 2077’s YouTube channel.
All about the next-gen Cyberpunk 2077 patch
As you might expect, CD Projekt Red spent a good amount of time hyping up the visuals enhancements of the next-gen patch. The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X versions will include two visual modes: Performance Mode, running at 60 FPS (with “small or rare frame drops”, according to the developer); and Ray Tracing mode, running at 30 FPS with ray traced shadows support. Both modes for these consoles run at 4K resolution. (The Xbox Series S version only features a Performance Mode running at 30 FPS at 1440p.)
The major gameplay changes for the new patch include an overhauled skill tree with new and redesigned perks. The developers have also improved combat AI, driving, crowd AI, and the user interface to address bugs and criticisms. New apartments and a mirror for on-the-fly cosmetic changes will also be added.
A full list of the patch notes can be found here.

The next-gen versions of Cyberpunk 2077 are set to launch in Q1 2022. The gameplay additions (but not the visual tweaks) are available today for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions. For next-gen owners, you can download a free 5-hour trial of the game on your consoles now; any progress you make can be carried over to the full game.
For fans of CD Projekt Red’s other major series The Witcher, you can also expect a next-gen patch and console release for The Witcher III: Wild Hunt this year as well.
Are you planning to dive back into Night City? Let us know!
Via GameSpot.