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New Final Fantasy VII Remake mod makes Red XIII playable

With some caveats, though.

Over the past few days, players have shared a new Final Fantasy VII Remake mod that makes Red XIII playable. The released version of FFVIIR kept the stalwart party member as a guest rather than a fully playable character, which left several Red fans bummed out, but thanks to modders – we can finally get a taste of his combat.

This new Final Fantasy VII Remake mod also allows players to earn experience points and level up as Red, but the drawback is that he doesn’t gain any of his abilities or ATB when controlled by the player. To make matters worse, he’s not playable during the decisive battle against Jenova Dreamweaver.

Known issues:

When in the Main Menu, Red will use Aeriths portrait.

In the command menu, his portrait will be of whoever was using the command menu last.

You still cannot change his materia or equipment in the game. This must be done with a save editor.

Red has infinite HP.

Red cannot gain ATB, meaning that you cannot use his abilities, Magic, or Items. (However, he can still use both his abilities and Cure when he is not being controlled)

Even outside of battle he cannot use items or magic, nor can you use items or magic on him.

During one segment where Red is separated from the main team and needs to be rescued, he is still within your active party, and using him will teleport him to you. This is harmless, however, as the game will still progress normally as you progress through the battles.

If you force him into the party via save editing or Cheat Engine and switch chapters (Either through chapter selection or through playing), the game will force Red’s level to 35 on Easy and Normal Mode, and 50 on Hard mode, and his stats will change accordingly. However, it does not overwrite the EXP he has gained, and he will level up or down to the appropriate level to his exp amount after a single enemy is defeated. If you are not forcing him into the party when he shouldn’t be, you will never notice this.

These limitations might keep you from trying it out. However, when you think about the modding scene for Final Fantasy VII Remake and what they’ve done so far, this project is super impressive. Just like the other modifications, they’re downloadable from Nexus Mods

Via: Wccftech

Anthony Jones

I'm a late 90s kid still in love with innovative retro titles and the evolution of modern gaming. As a writer, I'm passionate about narrative structure, character analysis, and unique takes on clichés for all forms of interactive mediums. Watching documentaries and learning code is my daily pastime.
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