[UPDATED] Ultra rare, Saturn prototype game, ‘Armed’, appears on eBay!
...If you've got $2,500 to spare...
[Update] It looks like Armed was actually sold for the full amount, $2,500! We’d love to hear from the winning bidder of this rare piece of Saturn history.
[Original post] It’s amazing the number of unreleased and prototype games for old SEGA systems that fans seem to be able to get their hands on over the years. Now a chap by the name of ‘ke-drdar-l0epezmm38′ on eBay has put up a prototype of the unreleased SEGA Saturn game, Armed, for sale on the auction site.
Armed is described as a side-scrolling action game, in a similar vein to Blackthorne, but with rendered characters and backgrounds. Now, I don’t recall Armed being mentioned in the gaming magazines back in the day, but evidently the game was mentioned in print, as ke-drdar-l0epezmm38 posted up scans of an article in a Saturn magazine back when the game was about 70% complete. He’s also posted up photos of him playing the game, as evidence it does work and is really a game on the disc (see gallery below).
The eBay listing does specify that the game still isn’t in a finished state and is a prototype, with missing audio and FMV – however, the seller says that he played the game from start to finish and the levels are all there and playable. So it could be your chance to bid on an incredibly rare game to add to your Saturn collection!
The downside is that Armed is currently listed at the whopping price of $2,500! So it’s most likely too steep for all but the most determined gamers/collectors out there. There are 22 days left on the listing, so maybe some people could find the funds in that time to win the auction. [Update] The listing has now ended and Armed has been sold!
Well, if any of you get your hands on the game, be sure to let us know how it is!
[Source: eBay, via RetroCollect & Saturn Memories]Gallery