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TGS 2015 : Persona 5 gets anime announcement and new Videos!

Sept. 19th, 2015, Tokyo Game Show.  The “ATLUS PRESENTS PERSONA SPECIAL STAGE” event dropped quite a bunch of announcements at the TGS 2015 main stage. The show opened with concert performances by Yumi Kawamura, Lotus Juice, Hirata Shihoko, and DJ WAKA bringing classic Persona themes to the audience.



The concert was followed up by Tomomi Isomura and Kajita who came to stage for the Persona Stalker Club announcements. They started with the 3rd Persona 5 Video:

Persona 5’s protagonist voice actor, Fukuyama Jun, came to the stage to talk about the process of acting his character, he was followed up by a Persona 5 music theme presentation by artists Lyn and the Kaito Orchestra. The big reveal of the event was that a Persona 5 anime and Persona Festival are in the works, both activities celebrating the series 20th Anniversary, however no specific dates were shown for these 2, just that they are coming in 2016.

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One last thing? Sure! Soejima Naruki, the Persona series illustrator, dropped aP5  illustration process video, check it out!

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