Wonder Boy Collection to hit Switch later this year
An oft-overlooked, but nonetheless charming, gaming franchise is the Wonder Boy series. Originally titled Monster World in Japan, but renamed for Western localisations (along with a bunch of its characters and dialogue – so what else is new, eh?) they were modest hits on their initial release. Beginning with the 1986 arcade original and spanning a further five adventures across the Master System and Genesis, it seemed that protagonist TomTom – not to be confused with the satnav company – and his girlfriend Tina wouldn’t make it into the next millennium.
The games, while bouncy and tight as sidescrollers go, weren’t exactly the kind of thing that would have lit the industry on fire as it transitioned to 3D and away from mascot-led outings. Hence, it wouldn’t be until the late 2010s that the diminutive fellows would be given another shot at stardom, with a spate of remakes and a couple of new games to boot. Still, you could be forgiven for not having embarked on these journeys before, let alone heard of ’em.
Wonder Boy Wond-ers into a new generation
But fear not! Switch owners are about to get an effortlessly convenient option for doing just that. As NintendoLife reports, a Wonder Boy Collection, comprising four of the mainline games (Wonder Boy, Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Wonder Boy in Monster World and Monster World IV) is due out on the console this June. These appear to be “straight emulations of the originals, but creature comforts such as screen filters and the ability to rewind the action will also be included.” You dirty cheaters… ah, I can’t talk; I rewound Zelda 2 on Switch Online. Because nuts to Death Mountain.
Check out the announcement trailer below:
Official announcement
An art gallery “will also be part of the collection,” if you fancy perusing some of the games’ concept designs. The official product description for the game reads as follows (buckle up):
Bringing together four of the very best Wonder Boy games – from the original 1986 arcade version to 1994’s Monster World IV – this remarkable collection gives you a chance to experience one of the most influential series from gaming’s past.
Through the 1980s and 1990s the Wonder Boy games built up a huge following with their dazzling blend of energetic platforming and action-RPG gameplay. Unlike other titans from the platform genre, however, the Wonder Boy games have seen very limited release in the West on modern gaming hardware. Until now!
The Wonder Boy games are designed to be simple to pick-up and play for gamers of every ability – but contain enough depth and challenge to keep even the most skilled players busy. And now they’re updated with modern features such as the ability to rewind your game at any moment.
So whether you’re looking to try this iconic gaming series for the first time, revisit a youth spent playing Wonder Boy, or add a refreshingly distinct platformer to your collection, Wonder Boy Collection is the perfect package for you!
Per the norm for this kind of niche release, the good folks over at Strictly Limited Games are putting out a boxed Collector’s Edition. This will run you around $110 when converted from Euros; or, if you really can’t get enough Wonder Boy to burn a hole in your pocket with, there’s an Ultra Collector’s Edition – come on, now – containing a bunch of plastic detritus to accompany your games.
What’s inside the Collector’s Edition?

Here’s the contents:
- Awesome Collector’s Edition box
- Acrylic diorama
- Best Of soundtrack
- Beautiful artbook
- Card game
- Collector’s coin album
- Special music box
- Character game ends (like bookends, for your gaming collection)
- An extensive soundtrack collection.
Strictly Limited are promising “more” on top of the above list, so maybe this will come within a mile of being worth that pricetag. It’s your call. If you fancy it, act fast, as it’s limited to 999 copies. Strictly limited, if you will.
Wonder Boy Collection, in its various extortionate and non-extortionate forms, hits shelves on June 3rd. Will you be picking it up? Do you have any fond memories with this franchise? Let us know!