SEGA announced they are in the final stages of testing for the Windows 11 version of Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.
Microsoft will launch Windows 11 on October 5. On the same day, SEGA will hold the NGS Headline live stream. In addition to showcasing the new class Bouncer, Hiro Arai also plans to unveil the Halloween Event. Arai will also reveal a teaser for the new region coming in December. With the live stream occurring the same day as the launch of Windows 11, there may also be an update on the status for providing support to PSO2: NGS.
For now, SEGA recommends that players do not update their operating systems until testing is complete. In the announcement, they state that they will post an update once the operation check is complete. Once they release the patch, Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis will become playable on Windows 11.
Although at one point, Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis topped nine million users worldwide, the game saw a notable drop in players over this month. In addition to an extended pre-launch maintenance period, a glitch prevented players from even opening the game. Some fans were also displeased with expensive microtransactions that plagued the Sonic collaboration event.
Regardless, SEGA plans to continue providing updates to PSO2: NGS. The NGS Headline live stream will take place October 5, 2021 at 8:00 AM EST. With the backlash from the Sonic collaboration, it will be interesting to see how they handle the planned Halloween Event. In addition, SEGA will hopefully announce when PSO2: NGS will be playable on Windows 11.
Via Siliconera