The new Yakuza game will be announced next month
SEGA has been quiet about the progress of the new Yakuza title. Other than a small April Fools video showcasing Ichiban in a Persona-like RPG combat style, SEGA also held auditions for the lead female role and announced the winner earlier in the month, but that’s all we’ve heard.
Just this past week, SEGA announced via their RGG ONLINE Twitter that they will reveal the next installment of the Yakuza series at a press conference on August 29th. Series creator, Toshihiro Nagoshi, will reveal new details of the game, which is currently known as Shin Ryu Ga Gotoku, or Like A New Dragon.
PS4『龍が如く最新作』記者発表会に『#龍オン 』ユーザーの皆さまを抽選で15名様限定で特別にご招待します!シリーズ最新作の新情報を世界で一番最初にチェックできるチャンス!エントリーはこちらhttps://t.co/KbwaMNbEem pic.twitter.com/JcNsYPQfe8
— 『龍が如く ONLINE』公式アカウント (@RyuOnline_PR) July 23, 2019
The game will star Ichiban Kasuga, who first appeared in SEGA’s collectable card game, Ryu Ga Gotoku ONLINE. This will be the first Yakzua game in which series regular Kazuma Kiryu will not be the main protagonist as his final game was Yakuza 6: The Song of Life. The game will take place in the series mainstay city of Kamurocho.