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Square Enix might join the NFT metaverse for future games

"By designing viable token economies into our games, we will enable self-sustaining game growth"

A hot trending topic at the start of the new year is that Square Enix‘s president, Yosuke Matsuda, sent out a New Year’s letter that described an interest in the NFT metaverse for future games. Without missing a beat, a landslide of gamers whiplashed against the notion.

Despite the skeptics surrounding NFTs, Matsuda stands firm on blockchain tokens paving the way to “decentralize” gaming. Meaning: “self-sustaining game growth” rather than the familiar one-and-done games of today dropped for the next. While seemingly good on paper so far, Matsuda dropped the ball when stating that he understands people “have voiced their reservations toward these new trends” but chooses to rival his core audience by wanting to implement cryptocurrencies that no one wanted anyway.

Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda
Yosuke Matsuda

You don’t need a fine comb to scour the internet to find media outlets scrutinizing the letter. It’s everywhere! And deservingly so when you consider companies like Ubisoft hatching into NFT gaming. Their tone-deaf approach baffled even their employees. In Matsuda’s case, he knows you love to “play to have fun,” but the real audience this letter aims at is people who “play to contribute” and investors.

Square Enix’s corporate vision

From a corporate perspective, it’s attractive for Square Enix to dive into the NFT metaverse as a business going with the times. And while this corporate-speak is a vision, Square Enix will “ramp up [their] efforts to develop a business accordingly” if there’s a sliver of a chance profit is possible. Now, more than ever is time to learn about NFTs. You should discuss within your circles the pros and cons and protest corporate advantage that undermines your wants. We never had weight when microtransactions slithered in way back, but now we do for NFTs if voices are loud enough.

Now that Square Enix is joining the NFT debacle, where do you think we’ll go next? Let us know below!  

Via: PCGamer

Anthony Jones

I'm a late 90s kid still in love with innovative retro titles and the evolution of modern gaming. As a writer, I'm passionate about narrative structure, character analysis, and unique takes on clichés for all forms of interactive mediums. Watching documentaries and learning code is my daily pastime.
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