SEGA teases new Sonic game announcement while riffing GDPR
Hello, SEGA Nerds has updated its privacy policy. To continue reading our articles, you must… Just kidding!
Everyone’s gotten heckled by umpteen notifications about privacy policy updates due to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a new privacy law that went into effect in Europe Friday, giving citizens of the EU control over how their personal data should be used by the services they sign up for, such as Facebook, Google and Amazon, and fining companies four percent of their global turnover for misusing their consumers’ data.
Sonic’s official Twitter account, pulling our legs as usual, posted a four-panel scene from the first episode of Sonic Mania Adventures in which Sonic reads the fine print of the new European data law on Eggman’s communicator, which states, “We’ve updated our Privacy Policy. As part of our ongoing efforts to prepare for our new game announcement, as well as releasing Sonic Mania Adventures Part 3 this month..,”

Note the keyword “new.” Sonic Team has already teased the Fast and Furious-esque Sonic racing game at SXSW, so what surprises are they going to unbox at E3? Are they going to give more details about the new Sonic racing game–like its title? Or is there another new Sonic game in the works?
We’re looking forward to see what Sonic Team has in store for us at E3 in two weeks.