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SEGA giving away Jet Set Radio, Hell Yeah, Golden Axe on Steam
It’s not every day that SEGA gives away some of its best games for free, but that’s exactly what’s happening today, as Jet Set Radio, Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit and Golden Axe are free to download on Steam for a limited time.
The giveaway is part of SEGA’s Make Love Not War 3 event, where they ask fans to choose their sides between Dawn of War II, Total War Attila and Company of Heroes 2. Dawn of War II won the first round with 23 percent of the vote.
In the next round, Streets of Rage 2, Binary Domain and Condemned: Criminal Origins will be unlocked, which are some of our favorite games of all time.
So be sure to play and vote for the games included in the Make Love Not War event and enjoy the free games!