Spooky Halloween deals are here! Run for your nerdy lives!
First and foremost, pick up the free demo of Bayonetta 2 if you have a Wii U. It should be available across all regions now, so get crackin!’
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection has received a permanent price cut on Vita. It’s an odd spin-off of the Hyperdimension Neptunia series from developer Compile Heart and published in the US by NIS (though published in Japan by SEGA). Check out more on the series and its developer in my recent M.U.S.H.A. retrospective. PlayStation gamers can still grab Saturn import classic Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara for free this month if you are a PS Plus member.

Gamers Gate still has several SEGA games on sale (as reported in previous weeks). Still, when would be a better time than SEGA Nerds Horror Fest to pick up the Shakespeare DLC for The Typing of the Dead: Overkill? I thought about marking the occasion by writing this entire post in iambic pentameter, but this whole Horror Fest thing has me too terrified to think straight… and I just peed my pants.
I’m sure many SEGA fans have an affinity for the original Mortal Kombat trilogy, seeing as how they were such seminal titles for SEGA systems starting with the Genesis. Now Xbox 360 owners can pick up the full MK Arcade Kollection for less than four bucks, no gold account required!
You should still be able to use the 25% off code at Green Man Gaming (OCTOBE-R25OFF-GMGXXX), which can be yield a hearty price cut to Alien: Isolation. More cash with which to buy fresh undies, am I right?
Atlus has a pair of games discounted on Steam, too. One is God Mode, and the other is a movie tie-in based on what I understand is an awful movie starring the Big Lebowski and the Green Lantern… But hey, maybe you’ll enjoy the game, right?
Speaking of terrible movies, our Amazon highlight for the week is about as schlocky as horror films get. Yep, it’s The House of the Dead on DVD, which is a prequel to the SEGA game series of the same name. I actually saw this movie in theaters on opening weekend, and it’s quite a film, I tell ya’ what. At best, it’s in the “it’s so bad, it’s good” category, but if anyone could appreciate it, it’s diehard SEGA fans.
God Mode ($1.99)
R.I.P.D.: The Game ($4.99)
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection (Vita, $29.99, permanent price drop)
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (PS3, Free w/PS Plus)
Xbox Live
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection (Xbox 360, $3.29)
Nintendo eShop
Bayonetta 2 (Wii U, Free Demo)
Green Man Gaming
Alien: Isolation (PC, $37.50 w/this code at checkout: OCTOBE-R25OFF-GMGXXX)
(Note: The above code appears to be applicable for 25% off any game on Green Man Gaming)
Gamers Gate
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed ($19.95)
Aliens: Colonial Marines + Season Pass ($49.99)
Golden Axe ($2.99)
The Typing of the Dead: Overkill Shakespeare DLC ($1.02)
Crazy Taxi ($7.99)
The House of the Dead (DVD Movie, $4.00)
That’s it for this week. Play with the lights on and never be afraid to save some cash!