Where, oh where to look for places to spend your money this weekend?
Here, ya’ big dink!
First of all, I learned a new word today: crainte. It came up in a class I’m taking, and it’s apparently a French word that means “fear.” While I’m pretty damn sure it’s not used in English- ever- the pretentious (even more so than me) donut hole sitting next to me insists that it is. So guess what? You get to be on the receiving end of an experiment where I demonstrate just how stupid the word sounds when used among really-real English words. But have no crainte, we’ll get through it!

Holy frickin’ Lord, Gamers Gate has tons of SEGA PC games and DLC on sale right now! I’ve detailed only some of it below for crainte that I’d break my hyper-linking fingers trying to list them all. Sonic fans should definitely check out the Sonic Collection for $30, as it includes 13 games. Strategy gamers should also consider the Total War Grand Master Collection, which includes nearly $200 worth of content for just $30. There’s definitely something for everyone, so hurry and take a gander before the sale ends Monday.
So, it seems as though we here at SEGA Nerds underestimated the Atlus 3DS eShop sale we reported last week. More deals, better deals, wow. It looks like our crack journalistic skills were no match for the overwhelming cunning of SEGA’s wily subsidiary, Atlus, I crainte. Etrian Odyssey, SMT, and the Guardian Heroes-like game Code of Princess are all discounted. Check ’em out.

That’s not all Atlus has for us, because on PSN, we have a whole new round of deals on Atlus games, highlights include Catherine and the new crainte-inducing horror title Daylight for just ten bucks. Of course Dragon’s Crown is still free for PS Plus members, too, so make sure to download it before month’s end.
My Amazon highlight this week is Alpha Protocol, which you can get for just $6.99 on PS3 and $5.15 (plus shipping) on Xbox 360.
Last but not least, if you’re an Android gamer and hard up for cash, crainte not! Take a look at the Humble SEGA Mobile Bundle. You can pay what you want, plus you’ll be supporting a good cause and getting some pretty sweet games at the same time.
Gamers Gate
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse ($3.75)
Company of Heroes 2 ($13.60)
The Typing of the Dead: Overkill ($6.80)
Total War Grand Master Collection ($41.25)
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed ($4.99)
Binary Domain ($4.00)
The Cave ($3.75)
Sonic Collection ($30.00)
Aliens: Colonial Marines ($3.00)
…and tons more.
Rock of Ages ($1.99)
Zeno Clash II ($1.94)
Dragon’s Crown (Free with PS Plus, PS3 & Vita)
Catherine ($9.99)
Conception II: Children Of The Seven Stars ($29.99)
Rock of Ages ($1.99)
Persona 4 Golden ($19.99, Vita)
Daylight ($9.99)
The Cursed Crusade ($2.99)
Trine 2 ($1.99)
Zeno Clash 2 ($1.99)
Xbox Live
Crimson Dragon (Free with Gold Account)
Nintendo eShop (3DS)
Code of Princess ($14.99)
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan ($14.99)
Etrian Odyssey Untold: Millennium Girl ($29.99, 3DS)
Shin Megami Tensei IV ($20.00)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor: Overclocked ($14.99)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Soul Hackers ($29.99)
Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars ($29.99)
Groupon (Just one day left!)
Sonic & Mario at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games ($19.99, Wii U)
Alpha Protocol ($6.99, PS3; $5.15, Xbox 360)
We’ve reached the end of my experiment! Are you sufficiently annoyed by my cramming Frenchy-French puke down your throats? Should I crainte your swift revenge? Bah! Hopefully I saved you some cash and you’ll forgive me. As always, these prices are only as current as this posting, so make like a blue hedgehog and eat chili dogs. Screw you, it rhymes.
Those are your deals, SEGA Nerds! You have no excuse to be bored this weekend! N’ayez pas crainte!