Sakura Taisen celebrating its Anniversary with events
Sakura Wars, a SEGA and RED Entertainment franchise that spawned 20 games (5 main, 7 side story games, 8 spin-offs), an anime series, 7 animated movies, 6 light novels, a manga series, and 16 on stage muscial plays, is reaching its 19th anniversary since its SEGA Saturn RPG game debut in September 27th 1996.
To celebrate such milestone, SEGA and RED are teaming up with partners for some activities listed below:
1) Sakura Wars Museum
A Sakura Wars exhibition of games, rare items, artwork, and merch will be held from October 23rd (Friday) to November 2, 2015 (Monday) at Akiba Gamers head office 7F, Tokyo, Japan. If you wish to attend, you can check the store’s info here: http : //www.anibro.jp/shop/2434/
Additionally, exclusive anniversary merch will be sold at the event:
2) Sakura Wars Anniversary cycling gear
Believe it or not, Mono Clover is releasing Sakura Wars Anniversary cycling gear, you can get the gear here.
3) Sakura Wars “Shinjuku Sakura Kenzan of Halloween” Concert
Legendary voice actress, Chisa Yokoyama, will be joined by Michie Tomizawa, Rei Takano, and Yuriko Fuchizaki, for a concert and voice performance from October 30th to 31st, 2015 at Shinjuku FACE, in Tokyo Japan. If you are over there on that date you can purchase tickets here.
A thing we missed? Yes, Sakura Taisen artist Matsubara Hidenori held an artwork exhibition on August 18th this year. We missed that one! Even if can’t be part of the celebration cause we are westerners, it’s great to see that this series still has life and support after 20 years!