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Peep these new Project Diva X screens

SEGA has released a slew of new Project Diva X screens that will surely whet your appetite.

The game will be similar to previous rhythm-based Miku games but will introduce a new “Live Quest” mode, where you’ll find quests on a bulletin board inside the Diva Room. There will be five different type of Live Quest, which vary depending on the area – Neutral, Cool, Cute, Beauty and Chaos.

The game celebrates Hatsune Miku’s eighth anniversary and will be released on the PlayStation Vita on March 24 and in autumn on the PlayStation 4.

You can see more images here.

Chris Powell

Chris is the editor-in-chief of Mega Visions Magazine and the co-creator of SEGA Nerds. He was the former managing editor of Airman magazine and has written for publications like Joystiq, PSP Fanboy, RETRO magazine, among others.
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