Nintendo announces new Indie Showcase for tomorrow
In recent years, the good folks at Nintendo have added a new variety of live game presentations to their stable, joining the likes of the Directs and Treehouses. While those two are concerned with revealing, demonstrating and generally hyping big-name (usually first-part) titles, the Indie Showcases shine a spotlight on independent devs. Y’know, as the name implies. Cue hoardes of brainless ijits in the chat complaining that Smash Bros. isn’t in the stream, despite it never being advertised. Some traditions die hard.
We’ve gotten some pretty neat projects from prior Indie Showcases, and now we’re about to clap eyes on a few more. On Twitter, Nintendo of America have announced a presentation for tomorrow, Wednesday the 15th, at 9.00AM Pacific Time. For those on the shores of Britain, that’s 5 in the afternoon. It’s enough time for you to stick the kettle on after work and prepare yourself for either disappointment or excitement. Pick your poison.
Where can I watch the Nintendo Indie Showcase?
“Tune in for a livestream featuring roughly 20 minutes of information on upcoming indie games headed to Nintendo Switch,” states the announcement. It’s otherwise pretty scant on the details. If past presentations are any indication, there’ll be a chunk of time devoted to highlighting a select few games in detail. They’re usually the ones that Ninty feels will draw the most attention. It could follow a brief rapidfire section where several projects are addressed one after another. Hey, those 5-second snippets of airtime don’t come cheap.
Any indie studios you’d be particularly keen to see featured? Me, I’d be chuffed if Playtonic made an appearance. I’m not letting them off the hook ’til Twoka-Laylee exists.
Lastly, you can tune into the streams right here. Tell ’em Bob sent ya. You’ll get VIP seats.
Via, Twitter.