
New character added to SASR: Transformed on Steam

Well, it seems like SEGA is showing a lot of love for Sonic & All-Stars Racing: Transformed at the moment. We reported earlier that the game would be free to play this weekend on Steam, but we also found out, thanks to Sonic Retro, that SEGA has also added a new character exclusive to the PC version.

To celebrate the day that Bill Pullman, Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum and Randy Qaid single-handedly (well four-handedly) saved the world from aliens… or the British or something – SEGA has updated the Steam version of the game to included a new character from Company of Heroes 2, called ‘General Winter’ – a badass Russian, riding on an even badder tank.

What I find weird about this is that it looks like the Steam version of the game has been getting all the love – with exclusive characters from Football Manager, Total War: Shogun, Team Fortress 2 and now Company of Heroes 2 – where’s the console love gone guys?

But still – awesome news for PC owners of the game. Go add some COH action to your game now – just log on to Steam and update the game.



I'm the European Editor and co-founder of SEGA Nerds and Mega Visions Magazine, along with Chris. I've been a SEGA fan pretty much all my gaming life - though I am also SEGA Nerds' resident Microsoft fanboy (well, every site needs one) and since SEGA went third party, I guess it's now ok to admit that I like Nintendo and Sony too :0)
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