
Mutant Football League is launching another crowd-funding campaign

The team behind the Mutant Football League has been trying to get their game off the ground for quite some time now. The team showed off their latest build of Mutant Football League at Chicago’s C2E2 event in March, as well as to some potential investors in San Francisco that same week.

Unfortunately, neither party could reach an agreement, so they will be trying crowdfunding.

“It’s time for Plan B – our MFL fanatics!  Starting in mid-July we will be firing-up another crowd-funding campaign.  Backers will get the opportunity to pledge towards our goal, and get copies of the game, t-shirts, stickers, entry into Early Access, themselves in the game, and more!

 That’s right, we are putting together the plans for Steam Early Access.  Due to some recent policy changes, we will be entering the Steam Greenlight process in late July.  We will need to be successfully greenlit before we can begin Early Access, so we will need to hit the line hard with our community’s Steam users.

 As we enter the redzone of our crowd-funding campaign in early August, attendees of Gen Con in Indianapolis (home of the Insane Cults) will get the chance for some hands-on with the latest pre-alpha build.  If they’re lucky, they might even get to play a game with series creator Michael Mendheim.”

Hopefully this crowd-funding campaign will turn out to be successful! Check back with SEGA Nerds for the latest updates on Mutant Football League . 


Marcin Gulik

Live and learn everyday. Dreamcast and Shenmue are the epitome of gaming!
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