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Kingdoms of Amalur’s new DLC Fatesworn “Still Coming,” developer Kaiko says

The more sceptical among you could be forgiven for thinking that the DLC for last year’s remaster of Kingdoms of Amalur was, much like Tom Cruise, never going to come out. After all, some time has passed since it was initially promised to us, with very little other than a name – Fatesworn – to chew over, and it isn’t as if the IP is an especially high priority one to begin with.

The original game first released for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 back in 2012, but met with catastrophic sales and a myriad of technical and legal issues that held it back from delivering on the ambitious potential it undeniably exhibited. The remake, then, was developer Kaiko’s second swing at establishing the title as a solid contender; but again, a general shrug of ‘meh’ from the gaming populace seemed to be a case of history repeating itself. DLCs have been cancelled for less.

However, as the saying goes, sceptics never prosper (or something along those lines). As Eurogamer reports, Fatesworn is still very much in the pipeline, demonstrating a remarkable tenacity and dedication to the whole Kingdoms of Amalur project on Kaiko’s part. The devs themselves “released a screenshot of the DLC while it is ‘wrapping up the final stages of production’,” which you can have a good old gawk at below.

Why do I suddenly expect a procession of bearded wizards and stunted little men to come ambling round the corner?

They were even so kind as to provide a brief synopsis of what we can expect from the campaign’s setting:

“Centuries ago, Gale Crossing was an integral stop on the bustling trade route known as the Sativa Road, a treacherous passage over the mountains that brought wealth and industry to a region once considered unlivable.

“After series of catastrophic foreign wars, the price of Sativa Fiber dropped dramatically, devastating the Sativa industry and gutting the region’s importance as a source of this once-valuable reagent. Despite these tragedies, Gale Crossing remains a crucial junction for travelers hoping to pass safely through the Eldrith Mountains.” Incidentally, ‘Sativa’ is here slang for ‘marijuana’. Nice to see the Tolkien parallels run even deeper.

No wonder they entertain the concept of second and third breakfasts.

There’s still no word whatsoever on when it’ll release, though. Crucial point. Keep an eye on all our channels for word if that changes.

Are you a fan of Kingdoms of Amalur? Are you excited for the DLC? Let us know!

Via, Eurogamer.

Bobby Mills

Motor-mouthed Brit with a decades long - well, two decades, at least - passion for gaming. Writer, filmmaker, avid lover of birthdays. Still remembers the glory days of ONM. May it rest in peace.
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