Hideki Kamiya hosts ‘Very Sorry Stream’ to announce Sol Cresta delay
Platinum Games‘ creative director, Hideki Kamiya, hosted a “Very Sorry Stream” to personally apologize and notify fans that Sol Cresta faces a delay and unclear release date. Despite Kamiya’s initiative, an upset fan letter during the stream further mired the mood of the announcement.
Sol Cresta is Platinum Games’ upcoming shoot-em-up for PlayStation 4; and the first title within their “Neo-Classic Arcade Series.” It was supposed to release in early December, but now it’s unknown when fans can get their hands on it. However, Kamiya remained enthused throughout the stream and showcased gameplay alongside explaining new systems and design ideas for Sol Cresta.
An upset fan letter also turned heads during the “Very Sorry Stream.” It followed a young man disgruntled by the previous Viewtiful Joe delay, who’s now heartbroken by the setback of Sol Cresta. The letter dwindles to a simple question: “Why do games get delayed?”

As discussed in a recent interview with VideoGamesChronicle, Kamiya admitted that only one of his games came out on schedule due to constant changes of a game’s scope during development. Then add on top our global pandemic, and it’s clear that delays are sometimes inevitable, especially for passion projects.
Sol Cresta is determined to start a long line of modernized arcade classics for Platinum Games. But with an unsure date and this inevitable delay, fans will have to stay guessing when it’ll be available. What do you think? Let us know!
Via: Kotaku