Ghostbusters’ Winston to be added to the Genesis game by fans
If you feel like playin’… a decent game… who you gonna call? Well, ideally not the Ghostbusters. The band of prolific poltergeist poachers have had a spotty track record when it comes to the realm of digital entertainment, with more stinkers than you can throw a PKE meter at. The horror only began with a god-awful NES tie-in in the 80s – which saw you doing more logistical monetary management than actual ghost catching – all the way up to a series of mind-numbing online multiplayer efforts based on the newer flicks of today. About the only game adaptation of the franchise fans consider passable is 2009’s Ghostbusters: The Video Game, though even that mostly got by just for having the original cast. It certainly wasn’t winning any awards for its brand of button mashy, wall-clipping action.

Still, there’s the odd rough diamond in the lineup, including the SEGA Genesis Ghostbusters title from 1990. It’s a decent enough run n’ gun, and at least understood the IP a bit more than the Nintendo outing did. You have all your favourite characters: Venkman, Egon, Slimer, Ray, and Winst – oh, wait. What? Winston was left out of it? Well. I’m not going to say it has anything to do with him being the sole black cast member, but really now. Something ought to be done!
Adding in Winston
And something is precisely what a group of enterprising Ghostbusters fans are doing. Per Bloody Disgusting, a team of dedicated “artists, designers, and programmers have banded together to modify the Genesis game’s ROM to add Winston into the game, making him a selectable and fully playable character.” Ernie Hudson, Winston’s actor, is lending his likeness for the project, and let’s be honest, it’ll be a damn sight more respectable use of his talent than Paul Feig’s attempt. Fie on you, Feig.
And in case you thought this was a slapdash rush job, think again. The team were quick to clarify “this isn’t just a reskinning of one of the three existing Ghostbusters in the game. Winston will be his own character.” If only the screenwriters of the sequel had taken the same approach.
What’s your take on this? Are you a Ghostbusters fan? Will you be playing this mod? Let us know!
Via, Bloody Disgusting.