Could SEGA be planning Alex Kidd, Space Harrier II, Virtua Racing for 3D Classics?
A couple days, SEGA of Japan launched a new YouTube series called the Archive Bar, starring Japanese Idol Saki Yoshida, where she works at the bar with many of the actual, physical games that were included in the 3D Classics sitting on shelves behind her, like fancy, high-priced bottles of booze.
It seems like a pretty fun series, but one of our eagle-eyed readers, Retroman_Romeo, spotted something interesting. Standing in the mix of all the games M2 converted into 3D Classics on the Nintendo 3DS were a few games that have not made the jump to 3D – games like Virtua Racing, Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle, Space Harrier II and Super Shinobi (known as The Revenge of Shinobi here).
Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean that SEGA is sneakily giving us hints at the next round of 3D Classics, but if they were only there to serve as filler on the shelf why would they go out of their way to put multiple copies of games never included in the 3D Classics? Yeah, I know we might be looking too much into this, but c’mon, how awesome would it be if it were real, like sasquatch?!