‘Mega Visions Side Show’ is live for all patrons
We’re kicking off a new patron-exclusive podcast focusing on one of SEGA’s most important games: Shenmue 2!
Recently, a few members of Mega Visions decided to play through Shenmue 2 in preparations for Shenmue 3. Now you can join Scotty, Chris and Marcin as they venture through China with Ryo. Each of us have had different experiences with Shenmue 2 with Scotty never having played it, Chris never having competed it yet, and Marcin being the resident veteran playing through multiple times.
So set aside your game of Lucky Hit and hop in while continue to ask why Joy is so popular around town, why kids really think Ryo is scary, and if we’ll ever be any good at arm-wrestling. What even IS Jujitsu?
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