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SEGA Nerdcast: Episode 85 (Free Podcast Day)
New staff member, Dan, joins the show for the first time this week, as well as Chris, Kopke and Andrew. Chris took his kids to Free Comic Book Day and found a new retro game store, while Andrew is feeling much better these days. Kopke keeps working, as usual, and Dan lets us in on a dark secret of his (*whispers* he’s never owned a Saturn.)
In this week’s show, we discuss:
- We finally know what 3D Streets of Rage 2’s “Quartet” mode is, and it sounds awesome!
- SEGA ranked as the 13th highest grossing mobile developer;
- Monster Gear announced for iOS, Android … releases in May;
- Ys Chronicles 1 released on mobile for $5;
- SEGA announces Total War: WARHAMMER;
- Featured Discussion: Should Nintendo outsource Virtual Console development to another company, like SEGA maybe?
- What we’ve been playing
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