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SEGA Nerdcast: Episode 82 (with SEGAbits)
Greg and Barry from SEGAbits join the show this week, and Graham finds some time in his busy schedule to make an appearance on the show.
In this week’s show, we discuss:
- George and Chris’ various afflictions
- The downfall of SEGA Nerds 1.0 and how SEGAbits came to be
- How fansites can be successful when the company they cover is in decline
- With several big sites abandoning review scores, what is the right way to do it?
- How can sites attract younger people’s attention through traditional print stories?
- Our thoughts on SEGA focusing on PC and mobile gaming, and will SEGA continue to release console games?
- Will SEGA ever have another multi-million selling game, like Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games this generation?
- Will SEGA continue to support the Wii U?
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