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SEGA has acquired Crytek Black Sea, establishes Creative Assembly Sofia

This week, SEGA has announced its full acquisition of Black Sea Studio and naming the new team Creative Assembly Sofia. The acquisition adds 60 employees under the Creative Assembly banner, which brings the company to over 500 employees. Creative Assembly studio director Tim Heaton had this to say about the acquisition:  

“Now in our 30th year of games development, with an army of multi-million selling titles to our name and a history of world-renowned partnerships, Creative Assembly is proof of the UK games industry’s potential for global success. Due to this success, we are further expanding our UK base and developing additional projects overseas, whilst pursuing top talent from across the globe to join us, all in support of our commitment to creating high quality, authentic gaming experiences.Our continued growth allows us to be dynamic with our future projects, constantly seeking new opportunities and reaching a wider audience with our games.”

SEGA Europe boss Jurgen Post also had high hopes for the merger:

“The acquisition of Crytek Black Sea further enhances Sega Europe’s development capabilities and strengthens our ability to output diverse and engaging content for our IP. Creative Assembly Sofia will be working exclusively on content for Creative Assembly and will prove an invaluable asset given the multitude of unannounced titles currently in the works. This acquisition represents another step in the right direction for the growth of our global business, underlining our commitment to add value to our existing studios and our continued support for the UK games industry.”

We can’t wait to see what Creative Assembly cooks up next and wish nothing but the best to everyone at Creative Assembly Sofia! 

Via SEGA Bits

Marcin Gulik

Live and learn everyday. Dreamcast and Shenmue are the epitome of gaming!
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