Mega Visions Show Episode 42: He is Most Powerful of All
In this week’s Mega Visions Show:
Fresh new things are happening this episode! New features, new picks, but the same nerds! Chris, Graham, and Scotty get into quite a bit from Stay-at-home Comic Con and Tomb Raider rumors to Wal-Mart idiots and our angry-old-man demands for Cable TV in 2020. What won’t we discuss?! And yes you DO need to start buying VHS tapes again!
Here are all the picks we recommended:
Let us know what you think of this week’s episode and the changes by joining our Discord!
Last, but definitely not least, thanks to all you amazing people, our proceeds towards the NAACP Legal Defense Fund totaled $365 last month! If you need any resources going forward, please check out this site here. And support these awesome black game developers!
Let us know what you think of this week’s episode and the changes by joining our Discord!
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You can check out the Dreamcast Dreamless 24-Hour Marathon clip compilation/Thank-You video right here!
Be sure to check out our sponsor Warp Zone!
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