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Let’s guess the ages of these SEGA characters!

Microsoft’s How-Old.net , the recently released face detection API has taken the internet by storm: Within a few hours, over 40,000 people had hit the page from all over the world hoping to see how old other people think they look like.

We figured it would be funny to put a bunch of SEGA characters through the system and see what it says, and so we did. Check out the results below!

1. Ryo Hazuki, Shenmue 

MS Age: 19. Actual Age: 18. Given the program's recent launch, that's pretty accurate. Sitting in that cave must add a couple of years to your face.
MS Age: 19. Actual Age: 18. Given the program’s recent launch, that’s pretty accurate. Sitting in that cave must add a couple of years to your face.
This is why you wear a helmet

2. Lau Chan, Virtua Fighter 

MS Age: 47. Actual Age: 67. Pai Chan is apparently not related to Jackie Chan
MS Age: 47. Actual Age: 67. In no relation to Jackie Chan
Now with Wii Motion Control

3. Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 

MS Age: 31. Actual Age: 15. With SEGA's recent budget cuts, Sonic turns to a diet of Sonic Spaghettios and booze.
MS Age: 31. Actual Age: 15. With SEGA’s recent budget cuts, Sonic turns to a diet of Sonic Spaghettios and booze.
Haters gonna hate

4. Ulala, Space Channel 5 

MS Age: 19. Actual Age: 22. See? Dancing can make you look younger!
MS Age: 19. Actual Age: 22. See? Dancing can make you look younger!
This is how I always walk

5. Lan Di, Shenmue 

MS Age: 31. Actual age: 31. This one hits the mark, just like Lan Di did with Ryo’s dad amiright?
Now that’s just not fair

6. Eggman, Sonic the Hedgehog 

MS Age: 40. Actual Age: Unknown. Since we have no clue what his age is, let's just say 40 is now canon.
MS Age: 40. Actual Age: Unknown. Since we have no clue what his age is, let’s just say 40 is now canon.
Cocaine’s a hell of a drug

7. Hastune Miku, Vocaloid 

MS Age: 23. Actual Age: 16. That’s right, she still 16 so you can go back to feeling guilty.
The sequel to Sonic Heroes.

8. Axel Stone, Streets of Rage 



9. Gilius Thunderhead, Golden Axe

MS Age: 60. Actual Age: Unknown. Sounds about right.
MS Age: 60. Actual Age: Unknown. Sounds about right.
“Marco! Pol- oh shit!”

10. Mario, Super Mario Bros. 

MS Age: 34. Actual Age: It'sa me, Mario
MS Age: 34. Actual Age: It’sa me, Mario
Mario is ready to clear out your plumbing

Marcin Gulik

Live and learn everyday. Dreamcast and Shenmue are the epitome of gaming!
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