Legendary video game cover artist Mick McGinty passes away from cancer
The artist created the box artwork to games like Street Fighter and Streets of Rage.
Mick McGinty, the artist responsible for designing so many iconic video game covers, passed away on Sept. 18th after a battle with cancer. His son Jobey broke the news on Sunday via a journal entry on CaringBridge where he describes his father’s struggles with cancer and his last few years spent coming to peace with his situation.
McGinty’s resume is astounding, including artwork for clients like Disney, Six Flags, Reebok, the Chicago Bulls, and MTV. For video games, you’ll likely know him best for creating the Street Fighter II box art (pictured below). Other video game covers McGinty designed include Streets of Rage 2, Shining Force, Kid Chameleon, and Zoo Tycoon.

Remembering Mick McGinty
According to the author’s biography, McGinty began his long art career at the age of five after realizing he could draw better than his older brother. He continued to discover methods to improve his art — not to become better than everyone else, but rather to become the best artist possible.
You never really get better than anyone else… just more unique to your own style, and you become the best painter you can be.
Mick McGinty
Jobey McGinty describes his father as a dedicated artist who always looked for ways to improve his craft. In his memorialization, the younger McGinty remembers Mick’s tendency to look back on his work and find ways to make it better.
My dad was an incredible artist, as everyone knows. And in true artist fashion, he was also never satisfied with his final work. Just a couple weeks ago, he said he needed “just one more hour on a few pieces” in order to “really finish them.” We all knew that just wasn’t true, though. Dad would always come visit our house, see some of the paintings he did for us over the years, and would put his nose about an inch from it and say, “y’know, Jobe, I wish I would have made those blues a little deeper,” or “you know I’d love to just splash a little more shadows on that tree,” or “that really needs a fresh coat of varnish on it.”
Jobey McGinty
Our hearts are with McGinty’s family and loved ones in this trying time. His legacy in video games is one worth celebrating, and he is in our thoughts.
Via Eurogamer.