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Marathon Hype 2020: Get Ready for the Dreamcast Dreamless 24-Hour Marathon
Mark your calendars for September 12th, 2020 at 7:00AM EST, because we are taking over Twitch with 24 straight hours of Dreamcast insanity to raise money for Extra Life again! Let the hype BEGIN!
Can you believe it’s been nearly a year since we celebrated the Dreamcast?
Last year we raised over $1,250 and we wanna smash that total this year! Can we do it? You can already help by donating to our team page, and be sure to spread the word!

This year marks the 21st anniversary of the Dreamcast, and the 10th iteration of the Marathon. Those numbers keep goin’ up!
If you missed last year you can skim the playlist from last year’s event right here. Stay tuned to this spot for the upcoming schedule!