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Former SoA executive talks Dreamcast 15th Anniversary
For the Dreamcast scene, it has always been about looking forward rather than wistfully looking back which is why all our attention was on SLaVE for the system’s 15th anniversary however it has been brought to our attention by our readers that former SoA President Peter Moore took some time and went on to Twitter to reminisce about his days at Sega and how proud he is with all he accomplished and that he still remains in touch with his team.

His actual memories appear to be in the form of a photograph of his computer screen:
A tad bit hard to read aren’t they? A transcript can be found here.
Just a few quick notes:
- When Moore says “Once again” he is referring to the blog post he made on his EA blog to commemorate Dreamcast’s 10th anniversary .
- Oddly enough I had to dig through internet archives to find that post as it would appear it has been deleted.
- Additionally it is peculiar that he has taken pictures of his write up and uploaded them on to Twitter rather than his blog, could it be his employers weren’t comfortable with it?
- On to the actual content of the post, there isn’t anything we haven’t heard him say before it basically feels like a summary of the 10th anniversary post.
- it was nice to read that Moore and the gang still get together. It reminds us of how former President Kalinske also stays in touch with his colleagues.
- Lastly the post ends with Moore expressing some gratitude towards Charles Bellfield who essentially served the same role that Nilson performed for Kalinske.
- Sadly Bellfield passed away in November 2013.