
2K removes multiple WWE 2K titles digitally without warning

Games get delisted from digital storefronts all the time. It’s one of the main arguments for buying physical copies of any title you enjoy. Whether a company wants you to have it, you own that game and can still play it, something like any of the WWE 2K titles!

Now, why would I bring that up? Well, for some reason, 2K pulled WWE 2K17 through 20 over the weekend on Steam. All the DLC was removed as well. The only WWE titles left on the service are WWE 2K22 and WWE Battlegrounds

Why pull the WWE 2K titles without warning?

The weird part is that 2K gave players no warning that this was happening. Usually, when a title is pulled digitally, retailers give consumers a heads up. To not do so is an odd choice. The only reasoning I could think of is that the WWE 2K games removed were negatively received by critics and fans. 

While 22 has been more positively so by both demographics, it is still not fair to give any warning to the removal of the others. The modding communities for WWE games on Steam are a massive group. I’m sure most of them are not very happy that their mods are now unplayable because they were made for a specific title like WWE 2K 17. Hopefully, this is not a sign of things to come with sports franchises down the road.

WWE 2K22 and WWE Battlegrounds are both still available on Steam. Although, this might be a sign to go pick up those two and the delisted titles physically if you want them for your collection. What do you think about the removal? Let us know in the comments below.

Via PC Gamer

Alex Lehew

28-year-old gamer, writer, content creator, weeb, and Sega fan! I'm old enough to remember when you played Sonic The Hedgehog 2 on a CRT, or how weird Revelations: Persona is. Constantly begging Atlus to make Snowboard Kids 3.
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